

Parul alb cauzeaza de multe ori o scadere a increderii in sine mai ales la femei. Din acest motiv, companiile producatoare de vopsea de par reusesc sa castige milioane de dolari anual, promitand acoperirea completa a firelor albe.

De ce albeste parul?

Pigmentul care da culoarea parului se numeste melanina. Aceasta este produsă de melanocite, celule aşezate in jurul radacinii firului de par.

Odată cu inaintarea in varsta, melanocitele incep sa produca tot mai puţin pigment, astfel firul devenind tot mai putin colorat pana cand ajunge sa fie complet alb.

Renumitul dr. Oz sustine ca de obicei acest proces incepe spre varsta de 40 de ani. Insa, in functie de mostenirea genetica unele persoane pot avea fire albe de la 20, neexistand nici o solutie pentru prevenirea albirii părului.

Este vreo legatura intre stres si albirea parului?

Sigur ai auzit de cazuri in care din cauza unui soc emotional puternic, unele persoane au albit peste noapte. Dr. Oz sustine ca acest lucru e doar un mit si ca indiferent ce ţi s-ar întâmpla, nu se poate sa albesti peste noapte. Asta pentru ca firele de par odata ce au crescut, nu isi schimba niciodata culoarea.

De asemenea, Dr. Oz sustine ca stresul cronic, cu care se confrunta foarte multi dintre noi, nu are legatură cu albirea prematură.

Niciun studiu nu a putut confirma inca acest lucru. Insa, unii medici considera ca modul de viata modern – poluarea, consumul excesiv de chimicale, fumatul, alcoolul – poate duce la o „golire” a melanocitelor.

Dr. Oz sustine ca acest lucru ar fi teoretic posibil însă este nevoie de studii mai amanuntite care sa adevereasca aceasta legatura.

Daca smulg un fir de par alb, ies mai multe la loc?

Nu te ingrijora. Atunci cand smulgi un fir de par alb nu iti vor creste mai multe in loc. Intr-o radacina poate creste un singur fir de par.

Nu se recomanda smulgerea firelor de par albe pentru ca acest proces poate dauna radacinii pentru totdeauna. In plus, firul alb care va creşte din ea va avea o alta textura si poate creşte in alta directie care il va face mult mai vizibil.

Dar cine zice ca parul alb nu poate fi frumos?

Te-ai gandit ca pana la urma si parul alb are frumusetea lui? Mai ales ca observam in ultimul timp o moda si printre fetele tinere de a-si vopsi parul in nuante de gri. Daca ele fac asta, voi cele care aveti parul deja grizonat de ce va ingrijorati?

Printr-o simpla vizita la salon, la un specialist in coloristica, puteti uita de vopsitul luna de luna.

Jack Martin, expert in coloristica, ne arata cat de frumos poate arata un par grizonat. In descrierea fotografiilor, va prezinta etapele prin care se trece in obtinerea unui asemenea rezultat.

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Very dark colored hair to ashy blonde. This beautiful client came to me seeking grey silver color to blend and match her natural gray roots so she can stop coloring her hair black color, total service was 10 hours, and I can say that was the hardest project I have ever done in my whole career just because her ends were extremely dark and it took me for ever to lighten it but I had to choose between reaching my goal with damaged results and reaching a blended blonde with healthier hair and like you see I choose the second option. I started the long process by cutting the hair bob with layers because I always believed in building the house then paint it, then I started removing the artificial dye using @pravana color extractor for 20 minutes , then I bleach the whole head starting from where her gray roots starts in foils by taking very thin sections using @wellahairusa blondor with 20 vol and @olaplex for 4 hours, Then I colored the hair that left outside foils with @kenraprofessional 6NUA with 10 vol to create the pepper hair. Then after hour and half I reopened each foil and reapplied a new lightener mixture on the warm areas until I reached the lightest pale blonde, rinsed hair, pre-toned with @redken shade eq 1/2 oz 9V + 1/2 oz 9B + 1 oz clear mixed with 2 oz processing solution for 20 minutes, rinsed, dry hair 70% then apply @wellahairusa pale platinum mixed with 6 vol and brass kicker applied on the whole hair only leaving her natural roots out for 30 minutes. Then did Olaplex number 2 for 20 minutes to reconstruct the hair, shampooed, style with round brushes. #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon @behindthechair_com @american_salon @modernsalon #tustinhairstylist #tustinsalon #tustinhair #irvinehair #irvinesalon #irvinebalayage #newportbeachsalon #newportbeachhair #newportbeachbalayage #silverhair #orangecountysalon #orangecountyhairstylist #beverlyhillshair #beverlyhillssalon #beverlyhillshairstylist #olaplex #greyhair #greyhairdontcare @wellaeducation @saloncentric @cosmoprofbeauty

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Red to icy silver transformation in one 10 hours session. This beautiful client came to me from Northern California seeking natural grey transformation to blend with her 3 inches natural silver regrow so she can stop coloring her hair red that she has done for years. Formula : I used Malibu Cristal CPR twice each one is 45 min to remove the artificial red color, this product is amazing it took almost 30% of the red pigment out then I did @Pravana color extractor for 20 min and that erased more red pigment to mostly a strawberry light blonde level 8, then I lightened the whole head in foils just the colored hair by taking very thin sections in lots of foils using the amazing blondor by @wellahairusa with 20 vol and the amazing @olaplex until I reached level 10 natural blonde and toned the hair with @wellahairusa blondor new permanent toner pale silver with 6 vol for 30 minutes. Olaplex number 2 for 20 min, shampoo, cut and style with round brushes. Hair felt and looked much healthier than before thanks to #olaplex @malibucpro and —————————————————— #behindthechair #americansalon #modernsalon @behindthechair_com @american_salon @modernsalon #tustinhairstylist #tustinsalon #tustinhair #irvinehair #irvinehairstylist #irvinesalon #irvinebalayage #newportbeachsalon #newportbeachhair #newportbeachhairstylist #newportbeachbalayage #balayagehair #balayageombre #balayagehighlights #orangecountysalon #orangecountyhairstylist #beverlyhillshair #beverlyhillssalon #beverlyhillshairstylist #silverhair @wellaeducation #greyhairdontcare #silversisters @cosmoprofbeauty @saloncentric

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Dark boxed to ash silver. This beautiful client came to me from Houston TX seeking grey silver color to blend and match her natural gray roots so she can stop coloring her hair black boxed color, total service was 12 hours. I started the long process by cutting about 2 inches of the length and gave her layers because I always believed in building the house then paint it, then I started removing the artificial dye using @pravana color extractor for 20 minutes , then I bleach the whole head starting from where her gray roots starts in foils by taking very thin sections using wella blondor lightener with 20 vol and @olaplex for 4 hours, after hour and half I reopened each foil and reapplied a new lightener mixture on the warm areas until I reached the lightest pale blonde, rinsed hair, then toned with @wellahairusa blondor toner pale platinum mixed with brass kicker and 6 vol developer for 30 minutes. Then did Olaplex number 2 for 20 minutes to reconstruct the hair, shampooed, style with round brushes. #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon @behindthechair_com @american_salon @modernsalon #tustinhairstylist #tustinsalon #tustinhair #irvinehair #irvinesalon #irvinebalayage #newportbeachsalon #newportbeachhair #newportbeachbalayage #silverhair #orangecountysalon #orangecountyhairstylist #beverlyhillshair #beverlyhillssalon #beverlyhillshairstylist #olaplex @saloncentric @cosmoprofbeauty #greyhairdontcare #silverhair #greyhair

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Black colored hair to ashy blonde. This beautiful client came to me from The bay area seeking grey silver color to blend and match her natural gray roots so she can stop coloring her hair black color, total service was 10 hours, and I can say that was the hardest project I have ever done in my whole career just because her ends were extremely dark and it took me for ever to lighten it but I had to choose between reaching my goal with damaged results and reaching a blended blonde with healthier hair and like you see I choose the second option. I started the long process by cutting the hair to a semi A-line bob with layers because I always believed in building the house then paint it, then I started removing the artificial dye using @pravana color extractor twice for 20 minutes each process, then I bleach the whole head starting from where her gray roots starts in foils by taking very thin sections using @oligopro with 20 vol and @olaplex for 4 hours, Then I colored the hair that left outside foils with @kenraprofessional 6NUA with 10 vol to create the pepper hair. Then after hour and half I reopened each foil and reapplied a new lightener mixture on the warm areas until I reached the lightest pale blonde, rinsed hair, pre-toned with @redken shade eq 1/2 oz 9V + 1/2 oz 9B + 1 oz clear mixed with 2 oz processing solution for 20 minutes, rinsed, dry hair 70% then apply @wellahairusa pale platinum mixed with 6 vol and brass kicker applied on the whole hair only leaving her natural roots out for 30 minutes. Then did Olaplex number 2 for 20 minutes to reconstruct the hair, shampooed, style with round brushes. #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon @behindthechair_com @american_salon @modernsalon #tustinhairstylist #tustinsalon #tustinhair #irvinehair #irvinesalon #irvinebalayage #newportbeachsalon #newportbeachhair #newportbeachbalayage #silverhair #orangecountysalon #orangecountyhairstylist #beverlyhillshair #beverlyhillssalon #beverlyhillshairstylist #olaplex #greyhair #greyhairdontcare @wellaeducation #oligopro @saloncentric @cosmoprofbeauty

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This beautiful client came to me seeking lighter hair color to blend with her gray roots so she can stop coloring her hair, I started the long process by lightening the whole head starting from where her gray roots starts by taking thin and wide strands in foils to match her natural grey roots pattern using @oligopro extra blonde and 20 vol developer mixed with @olaplex leaving her gray roots out for about 3 hours until I reached level 10 pale yellow blonde, at the same time all the hair that was left outside the foils I colored it with guytang mydentity shadow ash 6 mixed with 10 vol for about 30 min , then rinsed hair, toned with new @wellahairusa new blondor toner pale platinum mixed with brass kicker and 10 vol developer for 20 minutes, then shampooed, conditioned, cut and styled with round brushes. Total service: 9 hours important #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon #tustinhairstylist #tustinsalon #tustinhair #irvinehair #irvinehairstylist #irvinesalon #irvinebalayage #newportbeachsalon #newportbeachhair #newportbeachhairstylist #newportbeachbalayage #orangecountysalon #orangecountyhairstylist #beverlyhillshair #beverlyhillssalon #beverlyhillshairstylist @behindthechair_com @modernsalon @american_salon @wellaeducation @guytang_mydentity #mydentity #wella #wellatoner #blondor #olaplex #oligopro

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This beautiful client came to me from Texas with hair that had multi different light and dark brassy colors, she was seeking gray silver ashy color to blend and match her gray roots so she can stop coloring her hair every 3-4 weeks, total service was 10 hours and one session, I started the long process by removing the artificial color using @malibucpro cpr for 45 min then @pravana color extractor for 20 min, then I bleach the whole head starting from where her gray roots starts in foils using @oligopro extra blonde and 20 vol its own developer mixed with @olaplex leaving her gray roots out for about 4 hours by foiling the hair based on her root gray pattern very thin sections for faster and even lifting until I reached level 10 pale yellow blonde, at the same time all the hair that was left outside the foils I colored it with @kenraprofessional new ash 5NUA mixed with 10 vol for about 30 min to create that salt and pepper look. I Then rinsed hair, pre toned with @redken shade eq 1/2 oz 9b + 1/2 oz 9v mixed with 2oz Cristal clear and 3 oz of processing solution for 20 minuets to cancel all the yellow from the hair, rinsed again, dried hair then applied the amazing new toner by @wellahairusa blondor 1/2 pale silver + 1/2 pale platinum with 6 vol for 30 minuets, shampooed, conditioned, cut layered bob and styled with round brushes. Total service: 9-10 hours #behindthechair #americansalon #modernsalon @behindthechair_com @american_salon @modernsalon #tustinhairstylist #tustinsalon #tustinhair #irvinehair #irvinehairstylist #irvinesalon #irvinebalayage #newportbeachsalon #newportbeachhair #newportbeachhairstylist #newportbeachbalayage #balayagehair #balayageombre #balayagehighlights #orangecountysalon #orangecountyhairstylist #beverlyhillshair #beverlyhillssalon #beverlyhillshairstylist #kenra #redken #silverhair @wellaeducation #opaplex #kenraprofessional

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Intretinerea parului grizonat

Insa chiar daca nu il mai vopsiti luna de luna, in urma acestui proces, parul trebuie intretinut dupa indicatiile hairstylistului.

In principiu acestea sunt: folosirea unui sampon violet, spalarea parului cu apa rece odata pe saptamana, eliminarea instrumentelor calde, utilizarea unui balsam odata pe saptamana.

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A lot of people, stylists and clients asked me to post a photo of how my silver transformations look like after few weeks, this beautiful client came to me for silver transformation from vibrant red 2 month ago then 2 days ago she sent me a text message with an update image of her hair. Client is extremely happy with the way the color stayed , but she followed religiously all maintenance steps I asked her to do, purple shampoo, shampoo once a week with cold water, eliminate the use of hot tools, use a deep conditioning mask once a week. I hope this post answers a lot of people’s concerns about the upkeeps and the fading process. #behindthechair #modernsalon #americansalon #tustinhairstylist #tustinsalon #tustinhair #irvinehair #irvinehairstylist #irvinesalon #irvinebalayage #newportbeachsalon #newportbeachhair #newportbeachhairstylist #newportbeachbalayage #orangecountysalon #orangecountyhairstylist #beverlyhillshair #beverlyhillssalon #beverlyhillshairstylist @behindthechair_com @modernsalon @american_salon

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